Who We Are

We are the

Rum Capital of the World

During the 17th century, the rum industry grew throughout the Island. Fast-forward to today and the Rums of Puerto Rico are enjoyed all over the world. To reassure that each batch meets our high quality standards, the Government of Puerto Rico has established distillation and aging process laws, including having to be produced on the Island.

So now when you enjoy rum from Puerto Rico, you now know you are sipping on

the best rum in the world!


Highest Quality Molasses

In 1775, sugar cane production began in Puerto Rico.
Our rum base and most important ingredient is molasses. Molasses is developed through the extraction of sugar cane juices known as “guarapo”. The guarapo is later boiled and converted into sugar crystallization, and the residual of this produce (molasses) is used in our rum.

Quality molasses are just the beginning of our rum distillation process. These molasses are later fermented under our Rums of Puerto Rico standard to constantly produce rich flavored and smooth rums.

The Process


Distillation Process

Distillation columns are made of several trays. Each tray is a level of the column where descending liquid meets the ascending vapors. The vapors get richer in alcohol and aromas as the liquid evaporates. The enriched vapors come out of the top of the column as they cool and turn into liquid.

Our top-notch rum distillation process makes sure that you’re having the purest and lightest rum in the world today.


Aged for a Minimum of One Year in White Oak Barrels

Great rum doesn’t happen overnight. That is why Puerto Rico law requires a minimum aging period of one year in White Oak barrels.

The fresh distillate combined with the wood compounds of White Oak barrels makes way for the maturity of rum. A richer and smoother body is formed giving each batch of rum better aromas and flavors. The aging time may vary, depending on the product each brand desires to achieve. But a minimum aging period of one year is required by law to ensure every brand has the best rum for consumption.


Must be produced in Puerto Rico, the Rum Capital of the World

During the 17th century, the rum industry grew throughout the Island. Fast-forward to today and the Rums of Puerto Rico are enjoyed all over the world. To reassure that each batch meets our high quality standards, the Government of Puerto Rico has established distillation and aging process laws, including having to be produced on the Island.

So now when you enjoy rum from Puerto Rico, you now know you are sipping on the best rum in the world.